Great Pond
Cahoon Hollow Road, just north of Forrest Rd, Wellfleet, MA 02667

A popular spot for kids who love swimming, Great Pond is a shady beach on a freshwater pond tucked into the pines of Cahoon Hollow Road in Wellfleet. There’s a bit of a walk to the pond and some stairs to navigate, so accessibility isn’t great for those with disabilities. Parking lot is small, so the beach doesn’t tend to get too crowded, but it is a very narrow beach, so plan on arriving early to get a good spot.
Parking: 33 spaces
- Three-day $70
- Weekly $105
- Two-week $200
- Season $325
- Season (Resident) $35
Wellfleet beach passes are required to park between the hours of 9am – 5pm from the third Saturday in June through Labor Day. Town beach parking lots are free all other times. Passes can be used at all Truro beaches with the exception of Cahoon Hollow Beach and Marconi Beach
For more information and to purchase passes visit: