Burton Baker Beach
Samoset Ave and Nauset Road, Wellfleet, MA 02667

Tucked in among quaint neighborhood cottages and private beaches, Burton Baker Beach is a small public beach popular among residents and renters in the area. It’s also a good spot to launch sailboats. There is very limited parking, so plan on walking or a drop off. If you can’t get a spot, Indian Neck Beach just to the north on Nauset Rd has a larger lot.
Parking: <5 spaces
- Three-day $70
- Weekly $105
- Two-week $200
- Season $325
- Season (Resident) $35
Wellfleet beach passes are required to park between the hours of 9am – 5pm from the third Saturday in June through Labor Day. Town beach parking lots are free all other times. Passes can be used at all Truro beaches with the exception of Cahoon Hollow Beach and Marconi Beach
For more information and to purchase passes visit: