Sandwich Beaches
Located on the bay side of Cape Cod, Sandwich features a number of relaxing saltwater beaches in addition to freshwater ponds popular among locals. Sandwich also has one of the most affordable season passes on the Cape for non-residents. Sandwich resident passholders get a pretty good deal too, with access to Sandy Neck Beach in Barnstable included as an additional benefit.
East Sandwich Beach I
East Sandwich Beach II
First Beach
Peters Pond at Oakcrest Cove
Sandwich Boardwalk
Scusset Beach
Snake Pond Beach
Town Neck Beach
Wakeby Lake at Ryder Conservation
Sandwich Parking Rates
Town Beaches
Daily $20
Weekly $50
Season $105
Season (Resident) $35
Scusset Beach
Daily (MA license plate) $14
Daily (Out of state license plate) $40
Season (MA resident) $60
A Sandwich beach pass or daily fee is required to park at all Sandwich beaches between the hours of 9am – 5pm from Memorial Day until Labor Day, with the exception of Scusset Beach (fee required May 14th through October 30th). Parking is free all other times.
Resident passes are valid at all Sandwich beaches with the exception of Scusset Beach. Resident passes are also valid for Sandy Neck Beach in Barnstable. Non-resident passes are not valid for Scusset Beach, Wakeby Lake at Ryder Conservation, Snake Pond Beach, Peter’s Pond at Oakcrest Cove or Sandy Neck Beach.
For more information and to purchase passes visit:
A daily fee or Massachusetts state park season pass is required to park at Scusset Beach. For more information and to purchase passes visit: