Falmouth Beaches
With public beaches on both Buzzards Bay and Nantucket Sound, Falmouth has a variety of different options for all visitors. Beaches on the western shore are known for their breathtaking sunsets while those on the south shore offer up amazing views of Martha’s Vineyard in the distance.
Bristol Beach
Chapoquoit Beach
Falmouth Heights Beach
Grew’s Pond
Megansett Beach
Menauhant Beach
Old Silver Beach
Stoney Beach
Surf Drive Beach
Surf Drive Beach Extension
Trunk River Beach
Wood Neck Beach
Falmouth Parking Rates
Daily (Menauhant, Surf Drive and Surf Drive Extension) $20
Daily (Old Silver) $30
1-week $80
2-week $130
3-week $175
4-week $225
Season (non-resident, staying in Falmouth) $275
Season (non-resident, not staying in Falmouth) $375
Season (resident) $40
A Falmouth beach sticker or daily fee is required to park at all public beaches from mid-June until mid-September, with the exception of Grew’s Pond and Trunk River Beach. Beach lots are free all other times. Weekly and seasonal passes are valid for all town beaches. Daily fee parking is only available at Menauhant Beach, Old Silver Beach, Surf Drive Beach and Surf Drive Beach Extension.
For more information and to purchase passes visit: