Chapin Memorial Beach
Chapin Beach Road, Dennis MA 02638

With uninterrupted bay views as far as the eye can see, and a tidal flat that extends nearly a mile during low tide, Chapin Memorial Beach is perfect for adventurers, explorers and families. Make sure to show up early for parking as the lot fills up fast. Despite its popularity, Chapin Memorial Beach never feels too crowded due to its size and limited parking.
Parking: 66 spaces
- Daily $30
- Weekly $90
- Season (Resident Taxpayer) $50
- Season (Long term renters) $180
- Season (Non-resident) $360
Dennis beach passes or a daily fee are required to park from the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. Daily fees are cash only and accepted at all public parking areas with the exception of Depot Street Beach and Raycroft Beach. Passes are valid at all Dennis beaches, however Bayview Beach, Cold Storage Beach and Harborview Beach lots are restricted to resident parking only. West Dennis Beach and South Village Beach both have parking areas designated for residents only, in addition to open public parking.
For more information and to purchase passes visit: