First Light Beach
3057 Main Street, Brewster, MA 02631

Cape Cod’s newest beach, First Light Beach opened in the summer of 2022 after the town of Brewster purchased the land from the old Cape Cod Sea Camps. The rocky beach was a favorite among generations of campers and is now open to the public. The parking lot is reserved for residents only, and there is an attended gate at the entrance that you’ll need to pass through. No cars will be admitted after 6pm. Bikes and foot traffic are welcome regardless of residency status. Nearby Spruce Hill is open to all Brewster pass holders.
Parking: 50 spaces
- Resident parking only $25 (season)
A Brewster beach pass is required to park at town beaches between the hours of 9am and 4pm from June 15th through September 1st. Parking is free all other times. Parking enforcement is conducted using plate reader technology and all lots are unattended, so passes must be purchased online in advance. Passes are valid for all Brewster beaches with the exception of First Light Beach, which requires a resident sticker.
For more information and to purchase passes visit: