Joshua’s Pond
290 Tower Hill Road, Osterville, MA 02655

Popular among families, kayakers, paddleboarders and fishing enthusiasts, Joshua’s Pond features small sandy beach on a clean freshwater pond. The beach area is relatively narrow so it can get a bit crowded during peak season. It’s also only accessible via a set of concrete stairs, so you may want to consider other options if accessibility is an issue. Parking is limited to Barnstable resident passholders.
Parking: 37 spaces
- Resident parking only ($50/season)
A Barnstable beach pass or daily fee is required to park at town beaches between the hours of 9am – 3:45pm (7am – 3:45pm at Craigville Beach) year round. Daily fee parking is only available in season, and only at Craigville Beach, Hathaway’s Pond, Kalmus Beach, Keyes Memorial Beach, Sandy Neck Beach and Veteran’s Park Beach.
Resident passes are valid for all Barnstable beaches. Non-resident passes are valid only for Craigville Beach, Hathaway’s Pond, Kalmus Beach, Keyes Memorial Beach, Sandy Neck Beach and Veteran’s Park Beach.
For more information and to purchase passes visit: